Headless Horseman Tap Dance
Age 5+
2m 51s
The group (Ms. Lauren, Ms. Leah, and Ms. Lindsey) takes us through a Halloween themed tap dance. This dance is perfectly suited for children as young as 3, but also functions for young elementary children without previous dance training.
Up Next in Age 5+
Wooden Soldiers On Parade Tap Dance
The group (Ms. Ashley, Ms. Dani, Ms. Lauren, Ms. Leah, and Ms. Lindsey) takes us through a group tap dance. Don't worry, you don't have to have a group! This dance is perfectly suited for children as young as 3, but also functions for elementary children without previous dance training.
Ain't No Mountain High Enough Tap Dance
Ms. Lauren takes us through a fun tap dance. This dance is perfectly suited for children 4-6. Children as young as 3 may be able to perform, but this is also appropriate for young elementary children without previous dance training.
Tutti Frutti Tap Dance
Ms. Leah takes us through a fun tap dance. This dance is perfectly suited for children as young as 3, but also functions for young elementary children without previous dance training.